Monday, June 30, 2008

The Dream Routine

Anyone that knows me also knows how routine oriented I am. This is readily apparent in my life. No matter the situation I will seek to create a pattern.

As a traveler this habit was often muted somewhat or, in brief intervals, completely lost. Even in those instances of travel I sought to create a sense of order out of chaos by making lists of things to do or see. While living in France I settled into a sort of routine on most days that was largely based around my writing. Self-fulfilling activities are easy to prioritize when you have minimal responsibility. An ocean away from my reality and with nothing in way of true responsibility in front of me, finding time to write was easy. At times, it was too easy. Because I knew I had so much time I was more apt to put off a larger task I had set for myself.

Back in Arkansas, back in reality, time with a pen is harder to find. Even though I've instinctively sought to create a routine, one with time to write and read, it is still hard to accomplish. It's so easy to get lost in our day to day world that we lose sight of a larger purpose or an overriding goal. My own aim is to advance myself as a writer. Perhaps this might be easier without a job, a Netflix subscription, errands to run, or grapes to wash but it wouldn't be reality.

I've never tried to hide from the world, only to live in it in my own way, no matter the cost. Returning from France I was at the end of a line and unsure where my next cast would fall. Through fate I've stumbled upon a new line to run down, replete with its own tasks and challenges. For the time being, my own aspirations and goals come at the cost of a life resembling many others. Though I hope I can work in enough time with a pen to justify this existence, I fear that unless these aspirations come to fruition, my efforts at staving off a life of routine and reality will have been in vain.

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