Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Tragedy of Circumstance

Each time I begin a relationship it always seems there will never be an end. Despite all contrary evidence that I've experienced, I always get lost in the beauty of love and coupling in its early stages.

It's only later that the cracks begin to show--your defense of certain glaring incompatibilities weakens, you cease to ignore certain characteristics. The time frame for this negative evolution always depends on those involved (I seem to be quite adept at ignoring reality in a multitude of situations). Given the nature of relationships it would be easy for one to think that the innocence and exciting unknowns of new relationships were the peak. It would be easy to think that it simply doesn't get much better. But it is only after those early bursts of emotion have passed that the nature of a love is revealed and allowed room to truly grow.

Thus the tragedy isn't that a relationship fails to grow but that it isn't allowed the room to grow. Whether it was Romeo or Tristan, Beatrice or Ilsa--without the right circumstances love is circumvented. It can never truly take flight, wings can never be completely formed.

So it is once again that circumstance thwarts a short but brilliant flame in my life. In the billowing remnants of that flame I am left only with memories of moments shared and a longing to replace the emptiness...I've never been good at being alone.

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