Saturday, September 13, 2008

Low and High

Having been out into the world, I often find myself restless here in my piece of America. From big dreams of a life of ease and happiness to smaller short term aspirations, I continually seek something greater. This is not necessarily because of my situation here. I believe I've always been this way. Though I do wonder if perhaps living in a smaller town creates bigger escapist fantasies, a sort of mental counteraction to fate's circumstances.

There's a person I work with whose own aspirations seem limited to a few drinks each night, a good meal, football video games, and a warm spot in bed next to his girl. His own scope, seemingly, is limited more to the here and now. Excepting the video games, his aspirations are as old as time. There are often times when I envy that, wishing I could be contented so easily. Looking back into my life I wonder if being abroad created greater horizons in my mind and thus destroyed any hope for that idealized notion of simplicity from my life.

"Focusing on nowhere/Investigating miles/I'm a seeker/I'm a really desperate man."

Just as I know those who seek solid and simple pleasures, I know many more who seek to explore, to know, to experience. We all dream of something more for our lives but paradoxically it is with those seekers that I, the inveterate homebody, find more common ground with. At times it seems a curse that my contentment isn't fated to last for long but I wonder if it's not actually a blessing.


La Boutique des Composantes said...


Ce texte n'est pas assez long ... il est bien mais trop court .
J'espère que tu vas bien, je regrette la distance qui nous sépare : c'est un peu compliqué d'aller prendre un café .
Bon dimanche,


ps: tes grands-parents vont bien ? leur maison ?

Mike said...

I really enjoyed this post Pete. Being a seeker myself, I have similar feelings of thinking to the future and what could come next. Cara actually brought a lot of this out of me. I have to remind myself to enjoy and work for the hear and now, in other words, make the times between adventures an adventure.


mark said...

Great post, Pete. I'm hardly adventurous, but I find myself wondering similar thoughts quite often. I find that a lot of the standard notions of what we "should" do restrict me from taking the steps to explore more (career, school, etc.). Balancing what's expected and what seems most exciting has always been a challenge to me.


PL said...

Glad you folks liked the post. Always great to see new blood on the comment board, Moose. I appreciate it.